Sossi Pumpkin Stew

Servings: 6 person(s)
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Type of Dish: Breakfast / Morning Snack
Cuisine: American
- Sossi 180g
- 1 big onion chopped
- 4 cups diced pumpkin
- 4 table spoon cooking oil
- 6 cups water
- ½ tea spoon black pepper
- 8 cloves garlic
- Medium pc ginger
- In a sufuria, heat the oil & cook the pumpkin for 3 minutes. Remove pumpkin from pan & place in a separate dish.
- In the same oil fry the onion until tender but not brown.
- Add black pepper & the pumpkin stir then add water bring to a boil and leave to cook 10 minutes
- Add Sossi, garlic & ginger stir and cook for 5-8 minutes.
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